If you are new to the idea of bondage and really have NO idea where to start when it comes to buying products to support your interests, then you have come to the right place! Starting along the bondage journey with your lover is an exciting time, but it can be a bit frustrating when looking at all the bondage-type items that there are to purchase. Some may simply look too complicated or scary, or you may wonder if you really “need” that to engage in bondage play. The truth is, there are plenty of “must haves” for any couple serious about bondage play – and there are plenty of “wants” that are not needs as well.
The important thing is to realize your ultimate goal as well as your financial investment. If you are a “casual” bondage player you may not want to invest thousands of dollars into supplies. However, if you are really into it, you and your partner enjoy frequent bondage sessions, then you may want to get some more heavy duty equipment to feed your fire. For the purposes of this article we will discuss “must haves” – which are items that are, in my opinion, essential for bondage play. We will also assume that those interested in these items have experimented a bit with bondage and know that it is a serious interest (i.e. you have tied your lover with something like a necktie, and want to advance up to something a little more standard).
RESTRAINTS: Restraints come in many forms (ropes, handcuffs, ribbons, soft cuffs, binders, adjustable restraints, straightjackets, body sacks, spreader bars under the bed restraints, suspension restraints – to name just a few). Restraints can become very complicated depending on your expertise and desired level of restraint. Some prefer absolutely NO movement at all (total restraint) and others like there to be some wiggle room (flexible restraint) and still other like only parts of the body restrained like ankles or wrists (semi-restraint). If you are looking for beginner’s bondage gear I will assume you have restrained your lover in some manner and have enjoyed it, therefore you would like to take your play to the next level.
In the category of restraints there are only 2 MUST HAVES for beginners. They are basic and offer lots of flexibility. I know the idea of something more bondage-like such as a spreader bar is appealing, but I strongly suggest things are worked up to with bondage.
Adjustable restraint cuffs – Bondage cuffs are absolutely a necessity for any couple serious about bondage play. Adjustable sets often offer 2 or 4 cuffs that can be placed on wrists or ankles. They often have tethers that the cuffs can attach to and these tethers can be attached to things like headboards or chairs or even slid under the bed.
Cuff sets that have a generous length of tether would be preferable so that you can experiment with the different placements of the cuffs. Look for sets that have clasps and rings that are moveable along the tether. This allows much more freedom in choosing how to restrain.
The reasoning behind getting a cuff set – and not just wrist cuffs – is that often times the sets offer more options for less price (comparatively speaking) and once you start experimenting with restraint cuffs, you are going to want more. Furthermore, resist the urge to buy handcuffs (the metal ones) because they hurt and don’t offer any flexibility. They are often cheaper, but don’t fall into that trap. Get quality gear from the get-go.
See MasterKink Bondage Restraints
Bondage rope – Bondage rope is a specially made rope that won’t cut or dig into the skin or cause rope burns. It comes in a variety of lengths and colors and is very easy to use. Rope bondage can become VERY intricate, and there is an art called Shibari, which is an intense Japanese form of beautifully executed rope bondage. Beginners do not need, nor should, attempt Shibari. Bondage rope, however, offers a lot of flexibility. Since there are no clasps or hooks to contend with, rope offers the choice of “anywhere” bondage. This means you can tie your lover as easily to a chair as you can to the headboard. You can tie their hands and feet – or just secure them to an object. The most important thing to remember about bondage rope is to NEVER put it around the neck (unless you are very skilled and practiced) or too tightly around certain parts of the body. It is easy for beginners to pull too tightly – because they want their lover restrained – but since the object is pleasure, err on the side of less taught.
Beginner's Guide To Bondage Tape
BLINDFOLDS: Blindfolds and Bondage go hand in hand. The idea of taking away one’s sense of sight AND their sense of movement is an experience that everyone must enjoy at some point in their sexual life. Blindfolds – quality ones – will completely take away any sense of seeing, and totally darken the room. They are soft and silky, fit comfortably, and provide a total eclipse of the world around them.
SENSATION PLAY ITEMS: This is a rather broad category and can include: feather dusters, clamps, electrosex, paddles, whips, riding crops, heated lubes, cooling lubes, clitoral creams, Whartenburg wheels (little wheels that you roll over the skin that have a sharp edge) or sex wax. There is a wide, wide range of personal preference here. Some couples prefer something light and flirty – like feathers or other “soft” items; while other couples enjoy a little more direct stimulation and, maybe, pain. This category as a must have is only to suggest that while you have your lover restrained experimenting with differing sensations is a bit of a must. So, discuss and find out what your preference is, and then look for products that spark that interest.
VIBRATORS AND MASSAGE WANDS: My last must have comes in the general category of vibrators and massage wands. This is not just for female captives, but also for males. Massage wands, otherwise known as Hitachi Wands, provide very powerful and direct stimulation. They can be used on any part of the body – including the penis shaft or head, the nipples, clitoris or around the anus. IF you prefer less strong vibrations, any sex toy that offers vibrations would suffice – such as bullets or standard vibrators. The idea is to put your lover into a heightened state of arousal while they are bound and blindfolded by giving them extreme sensations with a powerful vibrator. This is not to say that you ONLY have to use a sex toy – but using a toy to provide the vibrations is a very, very powerful experience. As you continue to experiment with bondage other items may make their way into your repertoire – such as anal hooks and insertable items. However, for beginners, any vibrating toy or wand would do nicely.
Massage Wands From Pink B.O.B.
As you can see there are not that many “must haves” for newbies. Why? Well, the idea is to experiment, get comfortable and confident with your bondage play. You want to build trust and work up to more extreme restraints or bondage items. Perhaps you never want to go beyond a basic cuff and blindfold – and that is perfectly acceptable. However, if you like step one and feel like upping the ante a bit – there are plenty of options to get you started. So, if you are just beginning your bondage exploration, consider investing in some restraints, bondage rope and blindfolds and then supplementing that with personal choices for sensation play which includes a vibrator or wand of some sort. Have fun, play safe and remember that this experience is to be fun and exciting for both of you – so remember to be considerate of your partner’s desires too!