Pretty much everyone has heard the term “fetish” right? Maybe in a more specific way like “foot fetish” or “latex fetish.” We assume that a foot fetish is someone who is obsessed with feet in a sexual manner and a latex fetish is someone who gets turned on by hot women in latex. These are generalizations for what a “fetish” is – something we enjoy during sex. Technically speaking, a true “fetish” is something that is NEEDED to obtain full sexual gratification (i.e. orgasm). Meaning, a person with a true foot fetish or latex fetish would NEED contact with feet or latex in order to reach sexual climax. Most people do not use the word fetish in this regard, but instead in the context of something they find sexually exciting that may cause arousal. There is no “need” connoted in that manner. This is the way I intend to use the word “fetish” in this article. Items or scenarios that are of sexual interest or cause excitement.
So then, what is “fetish play” in a basic context? Generally speaking, fetish play is when any type of sexual fetish is used to create a detailed and mostly in-depth sexual situation OR when a seemingly innocent and non-sexual fetish becomes a scenario used for sexual gratification.
Sometimes a fetish comes about due to a previous or early experience that may not be sexual in nature, but due to the sexual response, it has become so. For example, being hospitalized at a young age, a young boy becomes aroused when the nurse attends to his pre-surgical enema. While the response is perfectly natural, and happens all the time, for some this will turn into a sexual fetish: something they try to recreate to achieve sexual pleasure.
So, what then are some examples of fetish play?
LEATHER / LATEX FETISH: If a man (it could also be a woman) has a leather/latex fetish then seeing a woman wearing any type of leather or latex lingerie, leather boots or even just the smell or feel of leather or latex gets him excited. Fetish play with this type of sexual fetish may involve having his lover dress completely in leather – or – helping his lover to pick out and then dress in leather. Buying a pair of sexy, leather boots could become a very erotic experience. Latex body suits or even latex gloves can bring a whole, new level to sex play. Having his lover wear leather gloves during sex may also be a big turn on for him. In essence, the latex or leather becomes almost like a third partner during their sex.
MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FETISH: Fetish play can take on very specific designs, such as medical fetishes. In a medical fetish the use of medical equipment – from hospital gowns to bedpans, enemas and even speculums – becomes an erotic experience. For this type of fetish, a specific role playing scenario may be a huge part of the encounter. One partner may be a “doctor” or a “nurse” and uses the medical equipment during an exam that then turns very erotic! Occasionally, fetishes linked to previous memories may take on a specific scenario instead of a general context. As in the example of the boy given an enema. He may need the element of being “made” to have an enema to be the part that is sexually arousing, not necessarily the enema itself.
An Introduction To Bondage Terms And Concepts
BONDAGE FETISH: In this case it is less about an object and more about the scenario or the activity. For some people, both men and women, being bound, gagged or otherwise restrained can bring about an extremely high sexual response. The dynamics in bondage fetish are very diverse, meaning some enjoy the “equipment” often associated with bondage, the costuming if you will. Others enjoy the sensation of being physically restrained. For still others it is the idea of being “forced” to participate in sex while in a compromised or restrained position. Any of all of these scenarios can satisfy the ideal of a bondage fetish.
FOOT FETISH: Probably one of the most talked about and common fetishes is that of the “foot” fetish. Foot fetishes love feet. They find the foot to be as erotic of a body part as, let’s say, the breasts. Foot fetishists take on different forms, just like with any fetish. For some, simply rubbing the feet can bring about great sexual arousal. For others, sucking or licking the feet and toes is as intimate as oral sex. Still others want the perfectly pedicured foot with painted toenails and high heeled shoes that show off the foot arch just as a corset would show off nice breasts. They admire the foot, in its entirety, and then enjoy the sexual play with the foot. Foot fetishists are more often than not male, and the host of female foot apparel really appeals to them. Foot fetishism is seen as fairly mainstream and many men, at one point or the other, have had some sexual contact with a foot. Rubbing, licking, kissing or even a “foot job” are not uncommon. However, it is only a fetish when there is a very notable state of extreme arousal.
FURRIES: The furry fetish is one that is a bit more obscure, but it involves people who get sexually aroused by persons in furry costumes – such as Elmo, or a giant teddy bear. The idea of having sexual contact while dressed in this type of childlike costume is very appealing. For a furry fetishist, there are often favorite “costumes” that can cause the most arousal. The costumes may be specially altered so that the genitals can be exposed when desired. For many furry fetishists, the costume remains on. Occasionally, the furry attraction is to a specific character, such as the Cookie Monster or Barney. Surely there are reasons for the attraction based somewhere in childhood.
UROLAGNIA (PEE FETISH): This is also an often talked about fetish where the person derives great sexual arousal or pleasure from any number of experiences related to urination. They may enjoy just watching another person urinate, or they may take a more direct route and want to be urinated ON. Some even enjoy drinking the urine, or having it poured on them. The assumption is that the warmth of the fluid contributes to the sexual excitement. Coprophilia is a similar fetish in which, well, it is not pee that is of sexual interest but the other bathroom option.
TERATOPHILIA (BEAUTY AND THE BEAST FETISH): This is a sort of obscure fetish in which a person derives sexual arousal from persons who are deformed in some way, such as amputees. Most of the time the person has to literally be an amputee, i.e. they are missing an arm or a leg. However, for some deformation fetishes, a role play situation where a person is somewhat deformed can come into play. The idea of Beauty and the Beast comes from the notion that someone with a deformity can be sexually appealing. Burn victims or those with horrible scars can be found to be sexually desirous and those with the fetish tend to only find sexual attraction in someone who is not “perfect” but more so imperfect.
These are just a few of the sexual fetishes that are out there. Pretty much anything can be made into a sexual fetish if you derive sexual gratification from it. Think about the things you like, what turns you on, what causes you the most excitement. Somewhere in there is probably a sexual fetish of your own!