In the world of bondage play, serious players oftentimes will plan out how a sexual scenario will go along. “Scenes” are sometimes also called “play sessions” – and are often referred to as both. A proper Dominant likes to be in control at all times, and as such, planning a scene is the best way to ensure that everything goes as He or She desires. Oftentimes, a scene requires advance preparation, such as the sterilization of sex toys, the positioning of restraints, the picking and planning of sensory deprivation techniques (i.e. blindfolds, ice, hot wax, selected music). Therefore, bondage scenes work out better if they are pre-planned.
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Therefore, it is likely that a Dominant has some previously explored “scenes” in His or Her mind already. They are not patterned, meaning, there is room for change and improvisation. Especially since different submissives respond differently to certain stimulation, which may cause the Dominant to stop play early – or, if the submissive responds more favorably – extend it longer.
This is not to suggest that newbie bondage players can’t be involved in scenes or play sessions, they most certainly can. In fact, if you are new to the idea of bondage, you may get some ideas on how to start planning play sessions by reading through this article. The main point is that scenes are sessions planned by the Dominant for the pleasure of both. There is a very, very wide range of activities that are utilized in a scene, and some things may not appeal to every couple. So, plan your play session according to your own pleasure spectrum.
The concept of a bondage scene is much like putting on a little play or role playing. Oftentimes, the Dominant has communicated how he would like his submissive to behave from the time the scene begins. She or he may have certain expectations as to what type of clothing / lingerie is to be worn, where she or he is supposed to stand or kneel, what phrases are to be used or if silence is the golden rule. All of these pre-discussed details will make the scene go on without the contemplation of the Dominant having to explain His or Her wishes. may get some ideas on how to start planning play sessions by reading through this article. The main point is that scenes are sessions planned by the Dominant for the pleasure of both. There is a very, very wide range of activities that are utilized in a scene, and some things may not appeal to every couple. So, plan your play session according to your own pleasure spectrum.
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Some popular variations as to placement in a scene space are:
- Kneeling in a proper submissive pose (Dominant’s choice) such as butt resting on feet, palms up on thighs, head down. Or, kneeling with torso on floor, hands spread out in front.
- Standing next to the bed, arms at sides, head down in submission
- Standing legs spread, arms clasped behind back, head down in submission
These are positions that a Dominant may find pleasing to find His or Her submissive in. It is a submissive’s duty to please the Dominant.
Similarly, there are agreed upon rules as to what clothing is to be worn in the scene space. Perhaps a submissive is to be completely naked, only wearing panties, have on agreed upon lingerie like corsets or latex bondage suits. The point, again, is to please the Dominant and to expedite the beginning of the scene. This kind of performance works well when a Dominant and submissive couple have been playing together for a while and the silent understanding of expectations is there.
While it has already been discussed in brief that a bondage or play scene is up to the individual couple to plan, there are certain scenes that seem to be more popular, in base format, than others. While not all Dominants use sex toys, many do. While not all Dominants have extensive bondage apparatus, many do. The idea that all bondage scenes are alike is ludicrous, but there are usually common threads that run between them.
There are also specialized scenes that may appeal to a certain sexual fetish or interest. For example, a medical scene may involve the role playing of the Dominant as the doctor or nurse and the submissive as the patient. There may be props and such that are associated with a medical scene (gurney table, gynecological stirrups, enema kits, speculums, Wartenberg wheels) and these items are used during the scene.
Another popular example is the “child” scene. This is for those who engage in “Daddy” fantasies where the Dominant is referred to as “Daddy.” It may involve specific costuming (like schoolgirl skirts and knee socks) and hair that is childlike in preparation. The scene can be as detailed as the Dominant wants. Items associated with this type of scene may involve rulers, hairbrush handles, crayons – you get the point.
Generally speaking, however, bondage scenes have a few common threads running between them. First, the Dominant is in control. He or She is the one who chooses the action. The submissive provides obedience with the agreed upon clothing and positioning, and then consents to the play that the Dominant desires (with consent and a safeword). Typical bondage scenes involve a combination of sexual experiences where the submissive is controlled or bound by the Dominant. Depending on the types of equipment available, the submissive may be bound spread eagled to the bed while the Dominant teases him or her with a magic wand, ice cubes, sex wax or any other number of stimulations. Different sexual acts may be performed, such as oral sex, vaginal or anal sex, and penetration with sex toys. The variations on how and where and how long are endless and only limited by the imagination of the Dominant.
However, the key elements of bondage scenes are:
- Previously agreed upon safeword / activities
- Previously agreed upon submissive stand / clothing / attitude
- Bondage or restraining in some manner
- Forced activities like oral sex
- Sex toy or stimulation play
- Sexual activity that is varied
- Specialized fetish play (such as medical scenes)
- Aftercare (the nurturing and caring of the submissive post play)
In the middle of all of these commonalities is room for personalization of the scene. Bondage scenes provide a very erotic play session where the Dominant gets what He or She desires because of the ultimate preparation for the scene as well as the cooperation and devotion of the submissive. Bondage scenes can be complex or simple – your choice – and can be attempted by newbies as well as seasoned bondage fanatics. The overall goal of a bondage scene is to enjoy the experiences, bring pleasure, and push your own personal limits to increase sexual gratification.